Don't be fooled C that cotton and linen bags are usually not anything to write home about, and they're not a good investment for your handbag dollar. Ive always felt secure in this theory, but then a bag like the Celine Bags in both beige and olive (pictured after the jump) canvas comes along and makes me reevaluate my own hang-ups about the material and bags made out of it. Were big lovers around here; so naturally, this bag gave me a bit of pause. Lets talk price after.
Most brands that try to work the non-leather voodoo on their customers do it with bags that are boring or incredibly simple; remaking your best seller and all its signature details in the material is a design distinction worth noting. Also worth noting is the price: $1550, which is, in fact, quite a bit of money for any canvas tote bag, even if its trimmed in leather and even if it was stitched together by the surely magical elves at Celine Luggage on Sale. Still, I can’t help but be intrigued.
But my research indicates that a leather version of this bag would be at least $2600, if not more. Considering that, the $1550 price tag represents an enormous price difference, even if its still objectively high. At the very least, Celine Classic Bags on Sale has enough respect for its customers to know that they wont take an inferior product for a $200 discount. I could see buying this bag if I were lavishly wealthy and could have the bag wardrobe of my dreams; itd be fun to parade it around the country club for.
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